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香港集裝箱港口現代貨箱碼頭將利用其區塊鏈海運數據庫 加快運輸速度










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- 營運工程師學會
- 學生資助辦事處
- 中國機械工程學會

Bonded Logistics Center
Bonded Logistics Center(Type A)

Bonded Logistics Center (Type A) is a relationship business in mainland China on the bonded type, Type A refers to a logistics company, mainly to meet the logistics needs of multinational companies within the group launched bonded warehousing, simple processing, and distribution of place, this model started in Shanghai Minhang District pilot.

Bonded Logistics Center (Type A) can be divided into "Common Type of Logistics Center" and "Self-Use Logistics Center."

"Common-Type Logistics Center" refers to warehousing and logistics business, specializing in corporate business in China, to provide the community with comprehensive services, bonded warehousing logistics Customs control places.

"Self-Use Logistics Center" refers to the corporate business in China, only to the enterprise or the enterprise group members within the customs bonded warehousing logistics services monitoring sites.

Bonded Logistics Center (Type A) enterprises shall meet the following qualifications: (a) The registration by the administrative department for industry and commerce registration, independent corporate legal personality; (b) The registered capital of not less than 300 million yuan; (c) Have to pay customs tax and ability to fulfill other legal obligations; (d)Having a specialized business premises for Storage of goods and own the land use rights of the business premises. If leaseing land and business premises from other's,the leaseing term must not less than three years; (e) Shall holding a special business license approval documents for storage of special permit goods; (f) For the of business"Self-Use Logistics Center" , the annual import and export amount (including the deep processing carry-over) in the eastern region must not less than $ 200 million, in the central and western regions must not less than $ 50 million; (g) With a customs management system meeting regulatory requirements and an accounting system that meet the accounting requirements.

Bonded Logistics Center(Type B)

Bonded logistics center (Type B) is bonded by a number of companies concentrated in the space layout, with a certain scale and comprehensive services, and link domestic and foreign markets and set the logistics area. In this area, can have a number of bonded logistics enterprise, to carry out bonded storage, logistics and distribution, international transit, simple processing and import and export trade business. A closed supervision areas of customs, that supervise the bonded logistics center (Type B) with the regionalization of export processing zones regulatory model and the closed network management with a 24-hour working system by customs this model having a pilot in the Suzhou Industrial Park .

Having the approval of the Customs,the following goods can be deposited into Bonded Logistics Center (Type B): (a) Domestic exports; (b) Re-exports and international transit of goods; (c) Temporary foreign goods; (d) Processing trade goods for imports and exports; (e) Materials and spare parts for the maintenance of international ships and aircraft; (f) Spare parts for the maintenance of imported foreign products; (g) The general trade goods that pending for customs procedures; (h) The other goods that pending for customs procedures with a approved from the customs;

Within Bonded Logistics Center (Type B), enterprise can engage the following business: (a) Bonded Storage of import and export cargo and other goods that pending for customs procedures; (b) To carry out simple processing of circulation and value-added services foe the stored goods ; (c) Global sourcing and international distribution; (d) Re-export and international transit; (e) other international logistics material that approved by the customs.

Within the Bonded Logistics Center (Type B), enterprise shall not engage the following business: (a) Commercial retail; (b) Production and manufacturing; (c) Maintenance, renovation and dismantling; (d) Storage of the country prohibited export goods, as well as the goods that endangering public safety, public health or the health, public morality or the goods that having import and export restrictions in the country ; (e) The non-bonded goods that clearly defined in laws and administrative regulations; (f) Other non-logistics center related business.

Bonded logistics center (Type B) within the enterprise should meet the following conditions: (a) An independent legal personality or the special circumstances of the branches of foreign enterprises; (b) Enterprises with independent legal person qualification minimum amount of registered capital of 5 million yuan; An enterprise branch offices, the company's registered capital of not less than 10 million yuan; (c) Have to pay customs tax and the ability to fulfill other legal obligations; (d) Establishing the requirements of customs supervision and with the computer management system Customs networking; (e) Have specialized in the logistics center store goods under customs supervision in place.

(Quote from the article "Wikipedia" page)

Track and trace

In distribution and logistics of many types of products, track and trace or tracking and tracing, concerns a process of determining the current and past locations (and other information) of a unique item or property.

This concept can be supported by means of reckoning and reporting of the position of vehicles and containers with the property of concern, stored, for example, in a real-time database. This approach leaves the task to compose a coherent depiction of the subsequent status reports.

Another approach is to report the arrival or departure of the object and recording the identification of the object, the location where observed, the time, and the status. This approach leaves the task to verify the reports regarding consistency and completeness. An example of this method might be the package tracking provided by shippers, such as Deutsche Post, United Parcel Service, AirRoad, or FedEx.

(Quote from the article "Wikipedia" page)

Military logistics

Military logistics

Military logistics is the discipline of planning and carrying out the movement and maintenance of military forces. In its most comprehensive sense, it is those aspects or military operations that deal with:

• Design, development, acquisition, storage, distribution, maintenance, evacuation, and disposition of materiel.
• Transport of personnel.
• Acquisition or construction, maintenance, operation, and disposition of facilities.
• Acquisition or furnishing of services.
• Medical and health service support.

Logistics, occasionally referred to as "combat service support", must address highly uncertain conditions. While perfect forecasts are rarely possible (this is also true in most sciences) forecasts models can reduce uncertainty about what supplies or services will be needed, where and when they will be needed, or the best way to provide them.

Ultimately, responsible officials must make judgments on these matters, sometimes using intuition and scientifically weighing alternatives as the situation requires and permits. Their judgments must be based not only upon professional knowledge of the numerous aspects of logistics itself but also upon an understanding of the interplay of closely related military considerations such as strategy, tactics, intelligence, training, personnel, and finance.

However, case studies have shown that more quantitative, statistical analysis are often a significant improvement on human judgment. One such recent example is the use of Applied Information Economics by the Office of Naval Research and the Marine Corps for forecasting bulk fuel requirements for the battlefield.

In major military conflicts, logistics matters are often crucial in deciding the overall outcome of wars. For instance, tonnage war - the bulk sinking of cargo ships - was a crucial factor in World War II.

The successful Allied anti-submarine campaign and the failure of the German Navy to sink enough cargo in the Battle of the Atlantic allowed Britain to stay in the war and establish the second front against the Nazis; by contrast, the successful U.S. submarine campaign against Japanese maritime shipping across Asian waters effectively crippled its economy and its military production capabilities.

More generally, protecting one's own supply lines and attacking those of an enemy is a fundamental military strategy; an example of this as a purely logistical campaign for the military means of implementing strategic policy was the Berlin Airlift.

Military logistics has pioneered a number of techniques that have since become widely deployed in the commercial world. Operations research grew out of WWII military logistics efforts. Likewise, military logistics borrows from methods first introduced to the commercial world.

The Kargil Conflict in 1999 between India and Pakistan also referred to as Operation Vijay (Victory in Hindi) is one of the most recent examples of high altitude warfare in mountainous terrain that posed significant logistical problems for the combating sides. The Stallion which forms the bulk of the Indian Army's logistical vehicles proved its reliability and serviceability with 95% operational availability during the operation.

"China's Ancient Baggage"

Logistics ago in ancient China has been known as The Baggage, then gradually changed in modern logistics. First proposed to replace the baggage logistics scholars unknown.

The word "logistics" is derived from the Greek adjective logistikos meaning "skilled in calculating". The first administrative use of the word was in Roman and Byzantine times when there was a military administrative official with the title Logista. At that time, the word apparently implied a skill involved in mathematical computations.
Research indicates that its first use in relation to an organized military administrative science was by the Swiss writer, Antoine-Henri Jomini, who, in 1838, devised a theory of war on the trinity of strategy, ground tactics, and logistics. The French still use the words logistique and loger with the meaning "to quarter".
The military activity known as logistics probably is as old as war itself. In the early history of man when the first wars were fought, each man had to find his own food, stones, and knotted clubs. Each warrior was responsible for foraging for his own food and firewood.
Not until later, when fighters joined as groups and fighting groups became larger, was there any basis for designating certain men to specialize in providing food and weapons to the combatants. The men who provided support to the fighters constituted the first logistics organization.
By the seventeenth century, the French were using a magazine system to keep a network of frontier towns supplied for sieges and to provide for campaigns beyond their borders.[2] The American Civil War saw the introduction of railways for transport of personnel, supplies and heavy field pieces.
Until the Napoleonic wars, the military supply was ensured by looting, requisition or private companies. In 1807, Napoleon created the first Train regiments, entirely dedicated to the supply and the transport of the equipment.
During the Seven Weeks War, railways enabled the swift mobilization of the Prussian Army, but the problem of moving supplies from the end of rail lines to units at the front resulted in nearly 18,000 tons trapped on trains unable to be unloaded to ground transport. The Prussian use of railways during the Franco-Prussian War is often cited as a prime example of logistic modernizations, but the advantages of maneuver were often gained by abandoning supply lines that became hopelessly congested with rear-area traffic.
During World War I, unrestricted submarine warfare had a significant impact on the ability of Britain's allies to keep shipping lanes open, while the great size of the German Army proved too much for its railways to support except while immobilized in trench warfare.

(Quote from the article "Wikipedia" page)


A logistician is a professional logistics practitioner. Professional logisticians are often certified by professional associations. One can either work in a pure logistics company such as shipping line, airport or freight forwarder or within the logistics department of a company. However, as mentioned previously, logistics is a very broad field encompassing procurement, production, distribution and disposal activities. Hence, the career perspectives are very broad also. A new trend in the industry are the 4 PL - consulting companies offering logistics services. They hire students with a BA or MA in International Logistics.

Some universities and academic institutions train students as logisticians, offering undergraduate and postgraduate programs.

(Quote from the article "Wikipedia" page)

Logistics Management

Logistics is that part of the supply chain which plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customer and legal requirements. A professional working in the field of logistics management is called a logistician.


Logistics management is known by many names, the most common are as follows:


Materials Management
Channel Management
Distribution (or Physical Distribution)
Business or Logistics Management
Supply Chain Management


The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport (CILT) was established in the United Kingdom in 1919 and was granted a Royal Charter in 1926. The Chartered Institute is one of the professional bodies or institutions, for the logistics and transport sectors, that offers professional qualifications or degrees in logistics management.

(Quote from the article "Wikipedia" page)

Logistics Systems Theory

Logistics Systems Theory is one of the theory in the Logistics System. One of the view was, in the process of logistics , the Logistics System is constitute of six elements those are the fluid, the carrier, flow, flow, flow, flow with the fluid, the carrier, flow, flow, flow, flow between the six elements of logistics and other constraints, constitute the entire logistics system. But there are also claims that only five elements. In the logistics area of ​​expertise, the hardware alone is not enough, the most important is the sea, land, air, train, which links all transport lines (Connectivity), but also the importance of storage can not be ignored.

Today, logistics management expertise to be used in trade, linking the entire world. Good logistics system also allows an item to easily travel around the world, to promote the globalization of trade. Logistics systems like the Internet can be like, to promote Globalization. In the trade, to further link with the world, we must rely on good logistics management system. We do a lot of goods%2